How do you start a career in web development?

This is one of the questions I’ve asked myself repeatedly. I’ve tried it all. Udemy courses, online tutorials and books. I’ve spent near $1,000 or more learning this. I even have a degree in computer science!

I’ve worked hard to learn what I have and I become overwhelmed by the amount information out there about the “latest” and “greatest” ideas. I finally sat down and thought what do I want to do? Should I learn Ruby? What about more Javascript? Should I learn Java more?

Finally I realized, I want to make things work! I want when you click this button, it may trigger an Ajax call to some remote system that displays information or you type in an URL that will hit my Spring application and we will display information. I learned that I do NOT like to work on boxes and floats and transitions. Nothing wrong with those that do of course, but I enjoy building things behind the scenes. That is why this company I have, my partner does the front-end stuff. I hope it stays it that way! Please watch for new posts as I may do more.